Thursday, May 27, 2010

A tattoo a mother can love

Vacation season is nearly upon us and I must confess: I am a worry-wart.  I don't keep my three year old tethered to me, but in crowded situations, I definitely want reassurance that we can be reunited if separated.  When we went to Disney World in February, I picked up a package of SafetyTats.  These great temporary tattoos give you a place to write your phone number and they really stay put.  Choose from a wide variety of styles or customize your own.  They even have tats for allergies and disabilities.  Great for amusement parks, beach trips, school outings, and more.  Check 'em out!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Little birdies everywhere

I have great childhood memories of watching the birds in my backyard and thought it would be something my own little guy would enjoy.  I picked up the Garden Treasures Star Bird Feeder from Lowe's and three weeks in, we are having so much fun.  Keeping a bird guide at the ready let's us learn more about our new friends and enhances the experience.  The squirrels just discovered the feeder this week and now we truly have our own version of Animal Planet live.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Beach in the Backyard

Sand + water = hours of entertainment.  I absolutely love our Step 2 Naturally Playful Sand and Water Activity Center.  While the intent is to have water on one side (with a drain plug) and sand on the other, we tend to go either all water or all sand.  The table is waist-height for toddlers and lets them dig and scoop and create to their hearts content while minimizing mess.  The included umbrella is such a nice feature, providing instant shade.  Finally, it comes with a lid that securely fastens and keeps bugs, critters and neighborhood kitties out.